Hi guys I'm happyguy6 You may know me as (-Trevor). I have returned to Woozers College Once Again ( After being beaten and tied down by Ginger and Ele ( I loaf you guys :* ) . I patched up my friendship with Sil and I will just ignore the views of others. I have returned and will uphold my position as Dean. So Woozers It's glad to be back! I love you guys so much and I am thankful for every second I spend with you.
Looking forward to seeing you at classes.
Much Love
( I made a logo )
Add me on Woozworld : happyguy6
Email me : happyguy6woozworld@gmail.com
Go Woozers College
Go Dinos!
PS: Soy and Sky I'm sorry for everything and I hope we can start over and be friends. No hard feelings kay <3
Loaf you too <3