Well this is post has been a long time coming and idk why you deserved to hear this earlier but I couldn't really do it. But here I am now and I'll get straight to the point. I QUIT.
You all knew this was bound to happen either way because I only stay for the summer on woozworld and then leave for a year. A lot can happen in a year and that brings me to thinking about woozers.
This was the second year woozers opened and I am so proud and happy with the way it turned out. I worked hard on it and so have all of you putting by putting in your efforts to learn and do great things. It would make me happy to see that this continues but it eventually dies out over the year. but dont worry theres always next year. Hopefully we can rekindle this school because we sort of became a family, seeing each other everyday, talking, virtual memories. And I truly do hope that it can start up again with you true woozers students.
Now to the reason for why I'm leaving and where I've been. First of all I had been fasting this past month so I usually sleep through the fast because then you dont have to wait as much time. Complicated but yeah thats what happened. But also my cousin and grandma are visiting and I spend time with them so I don't get the chance to come online except to watch my tv shows (teen wolf and pretty little liars am i right? <3) And now why must I quit for a year? Well thats obvious school. This is my last year before my IB starts (complicated thing which basically is hard work and judges your career in highschool). I need to focus and I said the same thing when i left for starting freshman year (sophmore now ugh) and well woozworld wont really do that to me. I know you'l understand that Real Life Comes Before Woozworld.
Now about the college. Not many people are showing up and I dont really know where the student council is these days but if any of you would truly like to keep woozers going until of course you leave for school form a new student council? Appoint teachers? I dont know just whatever you'd like to do.
The camp btw has finished so if anybody in college wants to still do it (student council organize a day) and I'm sure you guys can plan some fun things, take pictures and put them up as the last even of woozers college 2014.
Now a little personal something going out to:
Cece: Where do I start? You're my princess and are friendship is going on about 3 years now. I still remember that shy girl that came to me from a deadline contest and in that moment did I know you were gonna be my best friend? No but look what happened. I can't imagine imagine my life without your bubbly, sometimes emo, and shy personality. I know you'd literally beat anybody up for me and I'd do the same. Thanks for sticking with me no matter whats happened. Idk where you've been this summer but please keep messaging me and I'll see you soon my princess <3
Ginger: Ah you pretty much know how much I love you. You're my everything from my wife, my soulmate ;), my sister, my twin and of course my best friend. We've been friends since deadline :O and of course with woozers since last year we've become even closer. I can tell you anything, you make me laugh and you genuinely care about me which is why I wouldn't survive woozworld without you. Idk where you've been these last few days but I love you so much and am gonna miss you like crazy. Then I'm going to scream and hug you like crazy when i get back.
Soy: Grandma loves you very much and I promise when I come back I'll make you tons of gluten free cookies ;) But seriously it's weird to see people become so close in such little time. I still remember you being that girl who came to class the first day, tried out for student council and ended up being one of my best friends. We argue like sisters, we disagree but at the end of the day I don't know where I'd be without you. I love you so much, keep in touch bae, goodluck in school and watch a lot more twilight <3
Ele: You may or may not be reading this but here we go. You seriously mean the world to me and its rare to find someone be from your own country and have so much in common. You're adorable and innocent xDD even when you dont think so. You always make me smile and you are just always there for me which makes me so happy to call you one of my best friends. I love you so much love, and keep making people smile because it's one of your best qualities. I miss you already and good luck with your school.

Fred: I can't even remember how long we've been friends but each year we end up making more and more hilarious memories. I seriously think we need to make a movie because the two of us just make the best scripts and are incredible actors ;) We fight a lotttttt but thats because you're like a brother to me and its good entertainment haha. You make me laugh and can always brighten my day. I can always relate to your asian problems which is great too. I love you sahhh much bae and dont miss me too much ;)
Tre: Where to begin? You've been there for me through thick and thin. We've had our ups and downs, we don't always agree but thats what best friends do, they have disagreements. I know you're always looking out for me because you're like that older brother that always cares about me and I may come off as too strong sometimes but its because you keep me up like that. You keep us all together, calm and composed and you make me laugh especially when you wear all the weird clothes you have in your inventory. I love you Tre and I'm gonna miss you so much.
C: Where would I be without my own support system? ;) You always keep me calm about all the craziness that goes on. I remember you were a pain in my butt that first day of college but I guess opposites attract because we ended up being best friends in basically a day. I will go to my grave convincing you that Dylan O'Brien is the cutest bae ever and that I don't think your band guys are hot xD (well not all of them anyways). But honestly thanks for listening to all my rants and dealing with my mood swings. I wish we could've talked more though but I love you C, and I'm so glad we met this summer.
Jaz: We've had a fair few of fights and its usually always me that messes stuff up so I don't know how you've stuck with me this long. Your bubbly personality always makes me smile and I will miss our weird pc's like crazy. You found me this first day this summer so it was only fitting this picture was put up. That'll hopefully happen again next year and I'll smile just like this photo when I see you again. Thanks for being one of my best baes. I love you <3
You all knew this was bound to happen either way because I only stay for the summer on woozworld and then leave for a year. A lot can happen in a year and that brings me to thinking about woozers.
This was the second year woozers opened and I am so proud and happy with the way it turned out. I worked hard on it and so have all of you putting by putting in your efforts to learn and do great things. It would make me happy to see that this continues but it eventually dies out over the year. but dont worry theres always next year. Hopefully we can rekindle this school because we sort of became a family, seeing each other everyday, talking, virtual memories. And I truly do hope that it can start up again with you true woozers students.
Now to the reason for why I'm leaving and where I've been. First of all I had been fasting this past month so I usually sleep through the fast because then you dont have to wait as much time. Complicated but yeah thats what happened. But also my cousin and grandma are visiting and I spend time with them so I don't get the chance to come online except to watch my tv shows (teen wolf and pretty little liars am i right? <3) And now why must I quit for a year? Well thats obvious school. This is my last year before my IB starts (complicated thing which basically is hard work and judges your career in highschool). I need to focus and I said the same thing when i left for starting freshman year (sophmore now ugh) and well woozworld wont really do that to me. I know you'l understand that Real Life Comes Before Woozworld.
Now about the college. Not many people are showing up and I dont really know where the student council is these days but if any of you would truly like to keep woozers going until of course you leave for school form a new student council? Appoint teachers? I dont know just whatever you'd like to do.
The camp btw has finished so if anybody in college wants to still do it (student council organize a day) and I'm sure you guys can plan some fun things, take pictures and put them up as the last even of woozers college 2014.
Now a little personal something going out to:
Fred: I can't even remember how long we've been friends but each year we end up making more and more hilarious memories. I seriously think we need to make a movie because the two of us just make the best scripts and are incredible actors ;) We fight a lotttttt but thats because you're like a brother to me and its good entertainment haha. You make me laugh and can always brighten my day. I can always relate to your asian problems which is great too. I love you sahhh much bae and dont miss me too much ;)
And with that thank you for everything woozers college!! I hope you've all had an amazing summer just like I have had because of you guys :) Thanks for everything and this is Sil signing out until next year! <3
(P.S. I'll be checking my woozin and messages once in a while and I'd love to hear how you guys are doing so keep in touch xoxo)
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